
A new President for TBS Alumni

05 July 2021 Association

During our Executive Committee Meeting in July, we were delighted to have the chance to congratulate Pierre Hurstel for his recent appointment as President of TBS Education. This truly great news is the consecration for our network to see an Alumni in such a position !

This meant that Pierre could not be president of both structures so we organized an election to name his sucessor bearing in mind that candidates must be members of the Executive Committee.

We are delighted to announce that 
Antoine Miche, PGE 2007,
succeeds Pierre in this very important position. 

Antoine is well known to Alumni in the Rhône-Alpes region, and more widely, the East of France and Switzerland due to his active involvement over several years in different chapters in this huge region. He was also behind the creation, while he was still a student, of ANEDD, REFED and B3D. Today, Antoine is President of Football Ecologie France.

Congratulations and welcome, Antoine !


I have always kept close ties with the school (professors, events, etc.) and with graduates from successive years. I was also actively involved in the second largest antenna of TBS Alumni after Paris : Lyon. 

I therefore believe I have the capacity to increase my contribution to remodelling the association and its role as regards the school. My vision both in field and headquarters of TBS Alumni will help good decision-making through active contribution and by giving my support to active volunteers. Under the initiative of our Executive Committee, our Association and its 45000 strong members, is proud to promote the school's reputation through the faithful investment of our active volunteers and staff.  notre Conseil d’Administration, notre Association, forte de plus de 45 000 membres, est fière de pouvoir soutenir la notoriété de l’École et de la Fondation, grâce à l’implication fidèle des bénévoles actifs et des salariés. Each year, the TBS Alumni offer gets more organized and grows as it promotes our School well beyond the borders of France.

Together with the new strategy of the school, a new and ambitious cycle is set in motion to concentrate on environmentally friendly activities. I hope that you will find my application useful and pertinent to lead this new cycle which is a new, amazing adventure we share together. I would like to thank you for your support in the past and I hope you will continue to do so in the future. 

Love it

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