
Alexia MONTEIRO LAFFITTE (TBS 2019) - Audiovisual sector

11 May 2020 Portraits / Podcasts

TBS network is "a true link between all graduation years from the school"  

Why did you choose Toulouse and TBS for your studies? 

I didn't know Toulouse or TBS before coming for my oral exams. I immediately fell under the charm of the quality of life in the city and the chearful spirit which seemed to radiate from the school. I wanted to get as far away as possible from the grey Parisian skies and Toulouse seemed like the perfect place for that. The weather was good, people were friendly and above all, the train journey back to Paris was so long, I didn't intend doing it often.

I was particularly interested in the combined honours degree with Sciences Po Toulouse as well as the Master Management des Activités Culturelles et Créatives (MACC) (management in cultural and creative activities) proposed by TBS.

Can you tell us about your time as a student at TBS?

I started at TBS in M1 after completing a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. After two years of preparatory classes and one year at the Sorbonne, starting in a business school was like penetrating a hyper dynamic and stimulating universe that I had never known. I discovered the wealth of the school's associations and I supported the BDEX list.

As far as the classes were concerned, I was a true beginner as I knew nothing about accounting, finance or marketing. I learned about many areas and after much hesitation, I chose to specialize in marketing.

After that, my interim year gave me the chance to do my first traineeships. My first work was at RMC for 6 months as On Air Promotion Assistant and Press Relations, during which time I discovered a true interest in communication and sport. This was the reason why I decided to go to Brussels and work at Carrefour Belgium, where I contributed to a communication and sports sponsorship program in conjunction with the 2018 World Cup.

When I came back to TBS for my final year, I chose to follow the option Management in cultural and creative activities. I felt this was a very pertinent option for me because I have always been strongly attracted to the cultural sector. Furthermore, it covered the entire sector (music, cinema, media, museums, etc.). This option provides a vast amount of opportunities : going to the theatre, visiting the Capitole theatre, participating in the Cartoon Forum. Through the group project, I even discovered theatrical improvisation matches!

Then I returned to Paris to complete my final year traineeship at M6 Publicity as Manager of Public Relations and Events.

Do you have any stories to share with us ? (student associations, projects, lecturers ...)

I have many good memories but the most memorable one about my life at TBS is the Yacht Break, a cruise organized by the Sailing Team. The association had just been created and so it was the first time this event was organized, it was a sort of «crash test» !

Obviously there were several unexpected turn of events, like the engine on one of the sailing boats that gave up during the cruise, but it was a truly great experience! There were about 40 students and we learned more about ourselves in this new context. 

What were your main objectives when you started work after your degree ? What  was your motivation ? 

After graduating at TBS, I didn't start work straight away. I was thinking about continuing my studies after my traineeship at M6 Publicité, in order to specialize in media and my tutor encouraged me in this direction. I applied to the Master in Telecom and Media at the University of Paris Dauphine and therefore went back as a student last September. 

What are you doing now ?

After 4 months of intensive classes at Dauphine, since January I have been working in different missions under the responsability of the communication teams for the thematic pay tv channels of the M6 group (Paris Première, Téva et Serieclub) for my (second and last) traineeship. 

My two main missions include press relations and digital strategy implementation for the different channels. 

Afterwards, what do you plan to do ? 

I am thinking about reorientating my professional career towards Public Relations rather than continue in Press Relations. I am no doubt convinced that whatever I do I want to work in the audiovisual sector. 

The sector is undergoing many changes in the face of harsh competition. It is essential to continuously re-invent to attract the younger viewers while keeping the current public. I am passionate about this strategic thinking. It was said that television would kill the cinema, I just hope that Netflix won't kill television! 

At what point did you know that this was the career path for you ? 

I have always been seriously interested in media and I was delighted to be able to do my first traineeship at RMC. This appeal was confirmed when I did my traineeship at M6 Publicité which, combined with the classes given at Dauphine, served to reinforce this idea.

What benefits did you get out of your studies for your personal/professional situation ? 

My studies at TBS gave a solid foundation of knowledge and taught me how to adapt, two vital elements in my everyday professional and personal activities.

The different traineeships I completed during my time at TBS gave me the means of building my professional path and to confirm what I was passionate about. 

My studies also helped me develop my thought processes in the missions I was given, in particular, when writing my dissertation. All the research I carried out during this project helped me considerably in my work.  

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time ?

I don't have an ultimate objective, a dream position that I aim to reach in 10 years time. I would like to work on different projects, in particular, cooperate on the creation of new committed media in the same way as they are emerging today on social media. 

How did the Alumni network support you ?

The summer before I arrived at TBS, a friend of my parents told me that he had studied there. Between the many anecdotes about the school's associative life, he explained that the alumni network was a great advantage for students and that I should'nt hesitate to use it. For me it is a true link between all graduation years from the school.  

I didn't hesitate to contact certain Alumni who gave me help in my research and I hope I will now be able to do the same! 

What advice would you give to TBS Alumni, whether students or graduates ?

You have nothing to loose ! That sounds like a message in a fortune cookie, but it's what I say to myself when I am thinking about launching a new project or new adventure, and most of the time, it's true.  

Finally, are you willing for Alumni to contact you directly if they are interested in your career path ? 

Yes, I would be happy to echange with students and Alumni from TBS. 

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