
Audrey RIGONNAUD (TBS 2006) - Organizes training sessions on Self-confidence and Leadership

14 May 2020 Association

Audrey RIGONNAUD (TBS 2006) Consultant at MLA, an HR and Leadership consulting agency, is organizing training sessions on :

Self Confidence and Leadership in relationships


  • Develop assertiveness
  • Identify self confidence levers
  • Be at ease in every relationship

Training content

The different thinking styles

  • The Human Brain Dominances and their consequences on relationships (HBDI® model)
  • Introduction to neurosciences: find out what is comfortable or uncomfortable for yourself
  • Be self aware to understand others

The efficient relationship

  • What is the relationship?
  • The 4 phases of a successful relationship
  • From « talking » to « communicating »: the rhythms of the relationship
  • The quality of listening as an effective communication tool

Communicate to be assertive

  • Listen to be listened to
  • The Q-R-S as a tool for facilitating relationships
  • Being right or being in a relationship? The use of « AND »

Be assertive despite the emotions

  • The impacts of the emotions in the relationship
  • Fly, freeze, fight or be assertive: know where you are
  • Hints and tips to talk about oneself wisely

Pedagogic mode

An adaptable and participative pedagogy, where trainees are at the center, theoretical mode, with cases, role-playing exercises, and gamification. Feedback and personal advice throughout the session, to ensure self evaluation and self development plan.

Facilitation: Audrey Rigonnaud (MLA trainer)

Audience: Cross-functional managers, Team leaders, Project managers/leads, facilitators

Duration and location: 2 days + 1 day in groups

From 9:30 to 17:30 at MLA Paris Office

Price: Please contact Audrey

Prerequisite: None

For further information or to book a session:

Audrey Rigonnaud

+33(0)7 69 24 67 54

NB This training is offered in French only

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