
Julie Pasquet: a committed artivist

22 October 2024 Portraits / Podcasts

Julie Pasquet (PGE 2021) has built her career around her commitment to ecology and social justice. Co-founder of the Le Bruit Qui Court collective, she uses art as a means of activism, and continues to develop her activist commitment even after her time at TBS Education.

A double degree from Science Po Toulouse and TBS Education

Julie began her studies at Sciences Po Toulouse before joining TBS Education in 2019 Her goal with a business school? To complete her training by discovering the business world and its mechanisms.

As soon as she joined the Grande Ecole Program, she got involved in the Sustainable Development Office (B3D), where she learned teamwork and project management. Organizing the Assises Nationales Étudiantes du Développement Durable (ANEDD ) 2018 is a key experience in her career. This event enabled her to exploit her new skills while confronting the challenges of collective mobilization.

These experiences at TBS Education opened her eyes to the possibilities of creating a career path aligned with her values. Commitment thus became a priority in her professional life.

"TBS Education has given me the confidence to invent a profession that puts my commitment at the heart of my life."

A commitment to art and activism

After her studies, Julie took a bold step and turned down a permanent contract with a consulting firm to devote herself to her activist commitment.

In 2021, she founded Le Bruit Qui Court, a collective that combines art and activism to raise awareness of social and ecological issues. The aim: to create a space where art supports ecological struggles.

The collective stands out for its ability to unite artists and activists around innovative projects, enabling them to experiment with new social narratives.

"Art has a unique power to touch people and renew forms of engagement"

Today, Julie coordinates a collective of 40 people and a community of 500 volunteers, managing strategy, teams and finances while also being involved in the field. She describes herself as a "Swiss Army knife" and enjoys the freedom her job affords her.

In 2022, she took part in the MEDEF Summer University to confront business leaders with the contradictions of their economic models. She stresses the importance of opening a dialogue around more responsible practices, in particular the idea of an "economy focused on care".

This concept proposes putting human and ecological needs back at the heart of economic decisions, by rethinking current models to integrate sustainable and ethical practices, rather than focusing solely on profitability.

Julie Pasquet présente à la REF (rencontre des entrepreneurs de France)

The challenges of an activist

Julie faces a number of challenges, not least the creation of a viable economic model for her collective. Like many activist initiatives, Le Bruit Qui Court has to strike a balance between the independence of its actions and the resources needed to carry them out.

Another crucial issue for Julie is militant care, i.e. the importance of preserving the energy of collective members to avoid burnout. This care involves organizing sustainable work, managing stress and maintaining a positive dynamic within the team.

Advice for students

For students, Julie's advice is clear:

"Ask yourself, "What makes me deeply happy? What do I want to contribute to this world?" "

She encourages them to explore different opportunities and not be afraid to innovate in their careers.

She reminds us that every career choice can become an act of commitment, as long as we remain true to our values and seek to make a positive impact.

Want to chat with Julie?

Don't hesitate to contact her via the TBSocial Network to discuss her experience, explore collaboration opportunities or get advice on social and ecological commitment.

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