
A large international research study on comparative leadership of managers in various organizations

26 May 2020 Diplomas

Dear Alumni, this request is particularly addressed to TBS alumni who are managers and leaders based in France or of French origin.

Cordula Barzantny (TBS 1990), invites you to participate in a large international research study as volunteers on comparative leadership of managers in various organizations (profit and non-profit) across more than 150 countries

On behalf of Toulouse Business School and the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness – Leadership et comportement organisationnel globaux) project team, we invite you to fill out a survey on culture, trust and leadership. To access the questionnaire survey, please click on the link below or copy-paste the link into your URL browser and hit enter [French version !] :

This survey will take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete.
Your survey responses will be confidential and anonymous.

Only aggregate information (no individual responses) will be published. The survey will not collect any information that discloses your identity nor the identity of your workplace.

The Principal Investigator of this research is Dr. Ali Dastmalchian, Dean of the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada. The research project director is Dr. Mansour Javidan, Garvin Distinguished Professor at Arizona State University, USA. This project is partially funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Simon Fraser University, Canada.

The GLOBE project is a continuation of 20 years of collaborative work examining relationships among societal culture, leadership, and organizational practices around the world.

You can find out more about GLOBE here

Our objective with this survey is to learn further about cultural and leadership practices in more than 150 countries. The findings of this research will be published in academic and managerial publications and will be presented at conferences enhancing cross-cultural communication and understanding among the cultures of the world.

At the end of the survey we will also provide you with a summary of your preferred leadership profile and a comparison with the French average profile compared to the international one.

If you would like further information on this research project or the survey, please contact Cordula Barzanthy : at TBS or the GLOBE research team in Canada.

We thank you in anticipation of your participation in this worldwide research effort and your important role in informing the rest of the world about French society and values with a representative sample of you as French or France-based managers.

You could even share the survey link with your manager colleagues (French or working in France) in order to increase the number of responses towards the global sample.


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1 Comment

Cordula BARZANTNY (PGE, 1990)
4 years ago
Merci à tous ceux qui donnent de leur temps pour participer à cette étude scientifique!
En échange vous trouvez en fin de questionnaire un comparatif de votre profil avec la moyenne France et monde.
Bonne continuation
Cordula (TBS 1990 et Professeur de management RH & international @TBS)

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