
Forum by Jacques Digout on

10 June 2020 School

Leaders are also searching for meaning 

Forum by Jacques Digout, Director of Continuous Education at TBS on  

Strengthening skills amongst (future) leaders in the areas of marketing, strategy, finance, etc. is the objective laid out in the programs designed by TBS for professionals. It is a necessary "foundation" but far from being enough, according to the Director of the Continuous Training Department at TBS, Jacques Digout :

TBS has been training leaders for many years and has developed different programs and specific approaches : for example, the training course, Career as a Leader, provides the means of improving skills to manage SMEs, the Professional and Business Development Centre (CPA) provides training in company management, and finally, the Executive MBA is aimed at managers with high development potential, in particular, as regards leadership. 

Pedagogical designs are thus adapted to the learners' profiles, to their expectations and their requirements. The programs are spread over approximately 18 months, the time needed for apprenticeship to reach maturity. The rythmn is of course compatible with continuing a professional activity. Above all, professionals provide the training and give priority to case studies, choice analysis, whether they perform well or not. The purpose is to provide leaders and future leaders with the means of raising their expertise level in marketing, strategy, finance, etc. while remaining specific... Much emphasis is put on teaching the students decision-making processes. Moreover, the acquisition of the classes is evaluated on this framework alone.

Furthermore, if the technical side is absolutely necessary, it is far from sufficient. Leadership and personal development are at the forefront. In order to manage and to pilot teams, mission alignment with vision and values is indeed essential !

This is the reason behind TBS setting up its Career Booster. Through it, every learner benefits from the guidance of a personal coach. A professional coach or a company mentor who, according to their needs, will accompany them throughout the training program and help them emerge and consolidate their projects. This unique approach has proven to be a great success amongst our learners. Many of them consider that they were able to improve their team management skills.

Today, leaders and employees alike are searching for meaning. They are right. Since, finding and giving meaning to one's role as a leader is undoubtedly the performance lever. The current Covid crisis has highlighted this need more than ever. For exemple, we have designed a module called "Capacity of Directors and Managers to uphold leadership in a crisis : act, inspire and protect. This module was widely broadcast online and very much appreciated by our graduates. 

For more information about the training courses mentioned : suivre ce lien


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