
Lynda LONGEAU (TBS 2015) - "Even change has undergone change"

01 April 2021 Careers

"Even change has undergone change"

"Nothing is permanent, except change itself" in the words of Heraclitus in VI century BC. This phenomenon has been exacerbated by the health crisis. Each one of us, on our own individual level, has suffered considerable upheaval in recent times. What is the common denominator in all of this ? Human beings !  

The article entitled "Professional Coaching", published in the March special edition of Forbes, speaks about the commitment of Lynda Longeau, L2Change, Alumni TBS 2015, to accompany change within businesses, whether on individual and group levels, but always within the prism of those human beings that make up the company. Indeed, to quote Lynda, "Change must be incarnated by the women and men in the organization. If no one adheres to it, there is no change".  

In the face of change, which has undergone change itself in the wake of the health and economic crisis, our organisations are going through, it is vital that professionals who provide support (coaches, facilitators, trainers, etc.) change their way of thinking too. They also need to adapt to the unprecedented needs of businesses who were totally unprepared, whatever their size or area of activity.  

The support must allow companies, and therefore their leaders, managers and staff, to perceive new opportunities in this crisis and be able to grasp opportunities. 


The link to the entire article (in French) :


If you are interested in more information, you can contact L2Change or Lynda. Lynda is a member of our Mutual Support program which is entirely made up of TBS Alumni, and who offer prefered rates ! 

You need to be logged in as a fully paid-up member to contact LYNDA

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