
Mique Cheng (TBS 2018) - Follow the adventure of his restaurant "So Noodles" Paris

05 June 2020 Entrepreneurship

During lockdown, Mique Cheng (TBS 2018) gives an account of his adventure as the founder and managing director of the Chinese soup & noodle restaurant "So Noodles" located in Paris, rue de Clichy

So Noodles : Created 9 months ago, but open only 5 weeks 

The adventure with So Noodles started 9 months ago, towards the end of 2019. Having postponed the opening due to yellow vest demonstrations and the transport strike, we faced another problem straight after : an epidemic. 2020 seems to be a year of problems, and it's not over yet... 

Today we have been open 6 weeks, this time without our employees (on part-time unemployment). Inspite of that, we continue to open, at a loss. The first week after we opened, our turnover was at 10-20%. What I used to make in one lunchtime, today I just about reach in a week... Dispite everything, we are very lucky to live in a country where support is provided. My bank and insurance are helping me in order to carry on this adventure.

Today is also the day that the second part of deconfinement starts, while the virus is still active and there are no results. We definately have a crisis in demand in the restaurant trade : in my case, no tourists, homeworking, further education establishments and theatres closed. In addition, as the restaurant terraces are back, the offer is greater and consequently puts more pressure on small restaurants who don't have terraces. It is plain to see that the majority are opening in an attempt to minimize the loss over the period in which we are supposed to achieve our highest figures.

We believe that business is more likely to pick up in September. Obviously, it will never quite be like before and it will be necessary to respect sanitary measures. Despite new sales channels like Click & Collect and delivery, the commissions can be quite heavy with the different middlemen. It is not a solution for us.  


Between now and then, eat out locally !

McDo is good. I eat there but when I see the queues going beyond the horizon for McDo, KFC, Burger King and others, while all the other restaurants and pubs are empty, it is a little sad. Support your local, family-based restaurants with healthy food on offer so they get through the summer and so you will get to see them again in September.  

As far as I am concerned, I will get through it despite no vacation nor salary. We keep positive and we keep working !  Thank you to those of you who have supported us from the start of lockdown ! 

You are welcome to pop in and see me in the restaurant, its so quiet, nothing to do... 


Support Mique and go this week and taste the great Chinese noodles in his restaurant rue de Clichy in Paris! 


Love it

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