
Our Incredible Journeys: Pierre-Yves MAHE (TBS 2017)

30 December 2019 Portraits / Podcasts

After 15 years in business, Pierre-Yves returns to study at TBS and then becomes a business partner of With Up (solar outside lighting for professionals). An illuminating journey !

Would you say a few words about yourself?

Why did you choose to go to Toulouse, and TBS, to study?

I lived in Toulouse and was going through a career change in 2017. I decided to finish my initial degree with courses at a business school.

My idea was to add to what I had initially learned and to deepen my skills in human resources, management, and marketing in order to manage a company.

I knew about TBS from my close friends and family so it was a natural choice for me. Also because of its reputation and programmes offered.

Would you tell us about your time as a student at TBS?

I got my B.A.D.G.E (Bilan d'Aptitude Délivré par les Grandes Ecoles Skills Assessment Certificate Issued by the Grandes Ecoles) as a Business Unit Manager, which I completed in 2017. The curriculum was validated in a little less than a year.

The programme was rich and varied, and centred around human resources, management, and marketing.

It was supplemented by two units around equities and business techniques.

Do you have any anecdotes from your graduating class to share? (Student associations, projects, professors…)

It was the first year of a brand-new curriculum. The programme was intense and challenging, which created a lot camaraderie with others in the programme.

Meeting people with a variety of backgrounds was rich and interesting. The teachers were professionals with professional vision and focus.

Who are you today?

Rich and interesting meetings related to the diversity of profiles. Professional teachers with a professional vision and focus.

What did you expect to gain in terms of work after you got your degree? What were your motivations?

I planned to start and manage a business, and that was after having worked as an executive at a major company.

What are you currently doing?

I’m a partner and co-director (with founder Virginie Cavaillès who has 20 years’ experience working in the professional lighting sector) at With Up ( which designs, manufactures, and markets professional outdoor solar lighting products. After two years of R&D (our 3rd partner is Julien Peyrouton in charge of an engineering office in electronic engineering), we're now in the business development and production management phase.

Why did you choose this profession, this project?

To start create be a decision-maker, and to manage the process from start to finish.

At what moment did you know that this path was made for you?

After 15 years earning a salary, which had given me the necessary basics as well as the desire to work for myself and the others.

How did you get to where you are today in your career? (The major steps to consider.)

My career consisted of working as:

  • A Senior Technician in mapping (4 years)

Advancement within the same company in quality, still working on automotive GPS mapping databases as:

  • Quality project manager in France

After which I was promoted to the position of:

  • Production manager: management of production teams in India and France

I gained management, project management, and quality-based production skills.

How did your studies help you reach your personal and / or professional achievements?

I gained knowledge and acquire other skills. I was able to understand the link between the different areas covered. I also learned to take stock of my different personal and professional abilities.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

As director of With Up - a sustainable and prosperous company with international development and expansion.

How are you involved with the alumni network?

How has the alumni network been a support to you?

Through the different people I met in the programme and the exchanges that follow today.

The awareness of the importance of having a network in a new activity such as ours.

What advice would you give to the alumni of TBS, whether students or graduates?

Multiply the number of contacts you have; don’t hesitate to participate in the TBS Alumni network and benefit fully from it.

Strengthen links with your contacts. Increase the number of conversations you have with them and sharing of ideas around a subject and questions you may have.

Finally, would you be okay with our Alumni contacting you directly if they are interested in your career?

Yes. With pleasure.

Love it

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