
Pascal BAL (TBS 2016) - Explaining skills assessments and their advantages

02 February 2021 Careers

The skills assessment : a global exercice that goes beyond analyzing competency

Our professional lives lead us to think about what we want in terms of a career and our capacity in terms of skills acquired or to be acquired, but also about our self-worth in a changing society, and above all, the true sense of our lives.

The skills assessment :

  • provides answers and helps confirm a career transition project, employment or vocational retraining, or realignment within your job, whatever your experience or age.  
  • opens up the options to a chosen future by providing a complete analysis of your core values, skills and knowledge.
  • gives a clear appraisal of your technical and behaviourial skills. 

The process puts you at the centre to shed new light on who you are in your entirety and as an individual

It is a personal and unique analysis under supervision. You are the protagonist and you make the commitment. 

Article written by Pascal BAL, Professional Coach and member of our Mutual Support Services

You need to be logged in as a fully paid-up member* to contact PASCAL BAL

N.B. Some of our coaches are eligible for personal training allowances. If you are unemployed, you can use your personal training allowance (CPF) without having to obtain prior agreement from the Unemployment Office you are attached to. The course fees can be paid for by FPSPP. You can take advantage of the advice for professional development and choose the training within the list of eligible courses. The personal training allowance is available to anyone who is in work over the age of 16. This individual allowance runs throughout your professional life and is not tied to one particular work contract (whether you are signed up at the unemployment office or not, or within a “Contrat de sécurisation professionnelle”). Consult & use your training allowance  (website in French).

*TBS Graduates before and up to year 2017 are invited to pay a life membership fee to enjoy all our services. For more information, click here.
All other members are invited to show their spirit of solidarity by becoming a donor Member of TBS Foundation. For more information, click here.

Ce n'est pas parce qu'on est diplômé que l'école est finie ! 

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