
Samuel ROCHER (TBS 2021) - Creates a clothing brand with a southern accent

15 February 2021 Portraits / Podcasts

Samuel is a student with high expectations and has an enterprising, off-the-wall personality !

Hello ! My name is Samuel Rocher and I'm 20 years' old. I come from Narbonne, the true South.

His background 

I am a TBS Bachelor student (2018-2021) in Innovation Management (specialization in International Business).

I chose this channel to develop skills such as creativity, business management and team management but also to get an initial idea about entrepreneurship. 

Would you like to tell us about your association ?

I am treasurer of the TBS Bachelor society called "Django". I chose this association specifically for its friendly and collective outlook, for the pleasure of revealing the Students Association campaign challenges as well as for the project implementation and management aspects that are part of the treasurer's role.

How would your best friend describe you ? 

I think they would say I am funny and I like having fun, while perhaps a little bad-temperered sometimes. 
His experience 
I would like to share my experience about "French Sudiste", a brand of clothing that I co-funded with 3 friends six months ago. 
Tell us about your brand (how it began and grew) and what it means to you today 

French Sudiste is a clothing brand created by a group of student friends from the south of France. The original idea was to sell collections that celebrate the South and combine quality, elegance and comfort. 

We are working with a design company in Toulouse and we use environmentally-friendly material from start to customer delivery. The idea started during the first lockdown in March 2020 and it all took off very quickly. We started by looking for a name which was put to vote on our social networks. Once the name was chosen, we contacted freelance designers for the logo creation. 

Then we approached many embroidery companies in France to find the one that suited us best. This was followed by our website creation, social networks, administrative procedures and setting up our online shop in order to launch at the beginning of June 2020. Since the launch, the implications of Covid have meant a deliberate very local communications strategy with different partnerships, pop-up stores on top of our online shop and big events (evenings, fashion shows etc.). 

French Sudiste has taught me the ropes of running a company : admin, supply management, working as a team, and communication as well as all the marketing aspects. It has also taught me how to enhance my own creativity and to be adaptable. 

In the scope of this activity, did - or do you need help ? Tell us about any past or present difficulties! 

At that start, we needed some financial support to pay for the first stocks, the online shop and administrative formalities. Over and above the financial aspects, it was more important to have the moral support from our familes and friends but also more generally, from all those who helped us take our first steps in running a company (our first customers, suppliers, partners, etc.).  

As for the problems we had to face, they were mainly due to supply and stock management which were hampered by the epidemic, transport or delivered goods that didn't comply with our production specifications (colour of the embroidery, or order errors). Finally, we had a few obstacles organising our events : respecting covid distancing rules and unpredictable weather conditions. 

His future 

I'm not quite sure what I want to do later on. However, I am really interested in company management and I would like to stay on that path. 

I am in the process of preparing the TAGE MAGE to be eligible for the Master 2 cycle. Moreover, I am going to apply to several specialized Master programs. 

Bearing in mind that you have access to the TBS Alumni network, how would you like to get help in the scope of your project ? 

Today, it might be abit premature to use this network because I am still studying. I hope to learn from the experience of members in the network and to contribute to it myself with my knowledge and skills in the future.
One last question, what made you want to come to TBS ?
I discovered TBS at a post-Bac student forum. I was immediately interested in TBS which stood out from the others by the students who were at the forum and their feedback about the school. I also chose TBS for the experience of going to study abroad so that I could travel and discover new cultures. I liked the idea of Toulouse because it is both a fun, student city and it has alot to offer. It also has a southern friendly spirit that I really appreciate. 

Are you willing for student or graduate alumni to contact you directly ? 

Yes, of course. 

 If you are interested in Samuel's clothing brand, please feel free to visit his website

You need to be logged in as a fully paid-up member to contact* Samuel ROCHER


* TBS Graduates before and up to year 2017 are invited to pay a life membership fee to enjoy all our services. For more information, click here.

All other members are invited to show their spirit of solidarity by becoming a donor Member of TBS Foundation. For more information, click here.


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