
A committed student career at TBS Education!

02 May 2023 Portraits / Podcasts

1. Can you introduce yourself in a few words ?


My name is Appoline DELMAS MARTINEZ, I am 21 years old, I am originally from the Ardennes, a small department in the north of France.


My background is quite different from what you might expect in a business school, in the sense that I did a literary baccalaureate, I entered a literary preparatory class that I did in three years and at the end of which I obtained a degree in languages, civilization and foreign literature. I then joined the Grande école program, the PGE program at TBS Education.

2. Student, but not only, can you tell us more about it ?

Since I joined TBS Education, I've been quite involved in community life since I belong to two associations within the school. The first one is Prisme, which aims at fighting against all discriminations and inequalities, and I am the president of it. The second one is RDVC, an association of debates and eloquence, in which I am a member of the Pôle Moon. This pole organizes a simulation of the United Nations.

Then, I am also part of other associations, but outside the school.

This allows me to have a fairly busy life, to which I add a work contract with TBS Alumni.

3. Do you have other links with TBS Education ?

If I don't have a link with TBS Education and a link with TBS Alumni, I also have a link with the TBS foundation because I got a scholarship from the foundation a few months ago. This allowed me to breathe a little more in financial terms in the sense that it allowed me to pay off a little bit of the tuition fees for the year.

We realize that a business school, of course, is a cost and a commitment that is quite important and not possible for everyone, but the aids, whether it is TBS Education or even TBS Alumni and notably the TBS foundation, allow us to integrate as many people as possible.

4. Did you ever imagine that you would have so many opportunities?

I never thought that I would work for TBS Education, at TBS Alumni, and even less that I would get a scholarship.

I'm quite happy because I'm going to spend three or even four years in this school and the fact that I can be integrated and immersed in this way allows me to have a global vision of the school and the environment in which we are.

I tell myself that the alumni network, which is one of the keys to business schools, is something I can directly touch. I tell myself that it is a tool that will be useful to me in the future. By working at TBS Alumni, it's as if I was already making full use of this tool.

5. So according to you, TBS Education opens the field of possibilities?

Student community life at TBS Education is extremely varied in the sense that there is an abundance of associations. You can find everything, if there is something you like, either the association already exists or you can create it. There is this opportunity which does not necessarily exist in all business schools.

For my part, I joined PRISM and RDVC for personal reasons. For example, Prisme organized an event around the week of women's rights. So, for a whole week, we only dealt with this subject and I want to be able to have this subject as a main cause in my professional future. The fact that I had this opportunity in an association allowed me, for the end of my first year, to have the possibility to get an internship in this field.

In terms of associative opportunities that we have here, it is very varied and very accessible. You don't have to be as involved as people who have positions of responsibility. That is to say that we can all contribute without necessarily owing anything.

We're also lucky enough to have a fairly large alumni network, and I think we should take advantage of it as soon as possible. Students, I think, don't necessarily have the mechanism and the automatism to say, I'm going to contact the Alumni to find out this or that...

6. And finally, do you have a last word for our readers ?

Whatever the path we have, as soon as we have the motivation and we know where we want to go, it's important that we can keep our objective in mind to be able to give ourselves the means to reach it!

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