

28 April 2020 Association


The "Assocation des Carabins Toulousains" for Rugby and based on the values of sport, has appealed to the solidarity of ATALE, TBS, "la Foune et de la Choune" in order to launch a call for mobilization and help people in need or who are suffering from loneliness. 

We have responded positively !

During these troubled times, the "Asssociation des Carabins Toulousains pour le Rugby" is very much involved in the crisis we are going through and has chosen to volunteer and help those who are in need or are suffering from isolation. 

They guarantee the organization of an aid plan for the elderly and people in need : for a meal, sharing a smile.. The desire to do good is a powerful force ; when good is done, it is even more powerful!  

Today the association is calling to students who might be interested and want to help, to join the Facebook page: La mêlée contre le covid 19

Thanks to a partnership signed with the City of Toulouse and the Order of Doctors in the Haute Garonne area, the "Association des Carabins" is in the final stages of setting up a variety of missions. To date a complete list cannot be provided but it includes:

  • Giving support to charities such as the Red Cross, Catholic Relief Services, ... 
  • Doing daytime rounds to distribute food to the homeless 
  • Providing assistance to the elderly, by either dropping off their shopping or making phone calls to check they are alright (sometimes one phone call is enough to lift their spirits, especially for those who are alone) 

You have got the idea ! Our objective is to make ourselves as useful as possible, putting our time to good use for those who are blocked or in need of help!

On the practical side, here are several details :  

  • The operation is likely to be organized on the basis of a survey to integrate your availability and the type of action you wish to choose.
  • The amount of missions will depend on the number of volunteers. We remind you that you can ALL join in, whatever pour sector of activity.
  • For the moment we are focusing on setting up the project in the city of Toulouse. Nevertheless, it is possible to envisage extending help to other towns if the mission is successful ! It will depend on the progress in Toulouse. 

Our objective is to successfully implement these actions while guaranteeing safety during the epidemic : first things first.

You are welcome to make proposals, the association is open to all ideas and it would be all the more satisfying if they came from you !

You can conect them at the following address :, to describe your project and/or comment on how you would like to organize it, together with other pertinent details, so they the best course of action can be discussed !

During this time, ACTR, Atale, the School, la Foune et la Choune are striving to provide whatever support they can for those around us, inspired by the values taught in Rugby such as respect and sharing ! 

There is no such thing as a small gesture, we would like to thank you in advance for your motivation and your commitment.



Contact : Antoine Noguero (in charge of the movement) :

               Ludovic Niodo (TBS contact) :

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