
Destination AI – Join our mission !

03 March 2021 School

Hello everyone,

In 1956 at Dartmouth College, USA, the first conference on artificial intelligence was held. The term AI was born at that time, and it is near this college that our learning expedition, destinationIA, will take place in October 2021.

TBS’s CPA Class of 2020 is organizing this event with the aim of offering SMEs in the South-West region and throughout France a unique experience. The destinations are Montreal and Boston, two cities renowned in the field of AI. The trip will be an opportunity to visit the big names like Google AI, Facebook, Harvard University, as well as many start-ups and members of the vibrant and energetic local AI and Big Data ecosystem.


Why AI?

Artificial Intelligence occupies an increasingly important part of our economy. It was estimated at several billion USD in 2018 and should reach more than 60 billion USD in 2025. AI is entering a phase of industrialization through concrete applications: text recognition and analysis, decision support engines, computer assisted vision, augmented reality, smart robots, Companies should confront their challenges with this technology, which can provide innovative solutions, with a real return on investment.


Destination AI, for whom?

This is a collective experience built by the TBS CPA Class of 2020. destinationIA is aimed at business leaders, project managers, who wish to innovate and discover state of the art solutions in AI and Big Data.


What now?

Reservations are open now for our learning expedition, we need your help! Please feel free to share our mission with your network and people who may be interested.


For more information, you can contact the team  or visit our website


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