
ESCadrille is one of the 8 best Junior-Enterprises in France

21 April 2020 Students

ESCadrille Toulouse Junior Conseil had the immense pleasure of being selected among the 8 best Junior-Enterprises of France by reaching the semi-final of the Prix d'Excellence.

Each year, the members of ESCadrille prepare numerous prizes organized by the National Confederation of Junior Enterprises but also by Junior Enterprise Europe which are the two referent bodies of the Junior Enterprise movement, one at national level and the other European. The objective of presenting these prizes is for ESCadrille to challenge itself on a daily basis to improve the structure, but also to be rewarded for a know-how and a professional expertise, fruit of more than 41 years of work. This is indeed proof of our excellence, both academic and professional, for our clients.

These awards are also an opportunity for ESCadrille to represent TBS Business School nationally and even internationally. On 27th February, the whole ESCadrille team went to Brussels to take part in a European congress of Junior Enterprises to compete in the final for the prize for Best Junior Enterprise of Europe. It was finally the Junior-Entreprise of the prestigious school of Centrale Supélec who won it in a high-flying final. The Excellence award for its part is an exclusively French prize, where ESCadrille competes against the Juniors of Kedge Marseille (Marketing Méditerranée), Skema (Skema Conseil), EM Lyon (EM Lyon Conseil) or once again against Junior CentraleSupélec . It’s a prize that takes place in several rounds, firstly, the National Confederation of JuniorEnterprises selects the 30 best Junior-Enterprises in France. In a second step, these 30 Juniors must prepare a Roadmap, that is to say an analysis of their structure which makes it possible to propose an operational strategy. The best 8 or 6 of them, depending on the year, are then selected in the semi-final to prepare a diagnosis, a test which is similar to an in-depth audit of the studies and structure of the Junior as well as a call from their customers to attest to their satisfaction. Following these tests, it was finally 4 Juniors-Entreprises who found themselves in the final for a final stage, a Pitch in front of all the CNJE partners, at the First EY tower in Paris.

Following this process, the jury deliberates and the best Junior Enterprise in France is chosen during the National Summer Congress. ESCadrille has already won this prestigious title twice and will do its utmost again this year to go as far as possible in this adventure. If we work hard every day, it is indeed to satisfy our customers but also to maintain this image of excellence attached to ESCadrille but also to our school.

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