
Exceptional COVID-19 Relief Fund for our most vulnerable students

05 May 2020 Association

Exceptional COVID-19 Relief Fund for our most vulnerable students :
TBS ALUMNI makes the first donation 

During this very singular period, we sincerly hope that this message finds you in the best of health and safe in your daily lives. 

Given the unprecedented context and in line with all other further education establishments, TBS made the decision to close our campuses in Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona and Casablanca as of Monday 16th March 2020. Since then, the courses have been provided on a remote basis only.

While TBS has met the challenge of ensuring pedagogical continuity, for many students this lockdown situation has meant solitary confinement, insecurity, and in some cases, emotional distress. As you may appreciate, the measures of confinement tend to widen the gap in inequality amongst students. Some students have been forced to give up student jobs. Others have had their traineeships and internships cancelled or suffer from a lack of living space or from poor internet connection…  to quote just some of the more frequent problems they have had to face.

Right from the first week of lockdown, TBS Foundation set up a Relief Fund in order to support students enduring these problems. 

To date, nearly 50 000 € in funds have been released and exceptional grants have been awarded to students by bank transfer.

In addition to these financial measures and in order to stay in close contact, TBS Fondation has opened a daily hotline as well as a psychological support service with a health professional.

The School has also postponed the payment of tuition fees and has provided specific support to students who are participating in remote internship work.

This way, we have been able to listen to, support or help over 70 students.

However, today there are more than 200 students who have expressed difficulties and the numbers are climbing. In response to this emergency, we feel it is our responsibility to provide greater support to the most vulnerable students. 

More than ever before, as a member  of the TBS Community, you can play a decisive role along side us by making a donation to the COVID 19 Relief Fund, via the following link : 

As regards the allocation of resources, please tick the box FONDS DE SECOURS COVID 19.
66 % of the amount you donate is deductible from you income tax.

The TBS ALUMNI association has already committed to a donation of 3 000 € 


We promise to keep you informed about how your donation has been used. 

Some words from students who received help from the COVID-19 Relief Fund : 

  • « I would like to express my sincere thanks to you and all the donators to the TBS Foundation for the time you gave me, for your help and solidarity, for your true soul. » Mouad A., Licence 3 TBS Master in Management
  • « I would simply like to thank you, together with the TBS Foundation for your implication during these difficult times. In my opinion, you stand for one of the greatest things to be proud of in our school. Thank you so much » Elie A., 2nd year TBS Bachelor program.
  • « My warmest thanks for your moral and material support. I am so happy to learn through your email that I am to receive a donation, which has made me feel better during these uncertain times. Thank you very much. » Yassine E.M., Licence 3  TBS Master in Management
  • « I would like to thank the TBS Foundation for supporting TBS students throughout the year, and in particular, during this difficult time. Over and above the financial aid, this grant represents for me a true moral support which warms my heart !» Nicolas J., Master 2 TBS Master in Management
  • “I am sincerely grateful for the kind gesture shown by the TBS Foundation team and the School Management. I am really proud to be a member of this great institution. I feel honoured too for this privilege and would always TREASURE it in my heart while being thankful to all those who made it happen.” Bruno O., TBS Aerospace MBA 

We thank you VERY MUCH for your support 

Take very good care 

Together Building Solidarity


Perle LAGIER                                                               Catherine HALUPNICZAK
Fundraiser of TBS FONDATION    General Delegate of TBS Alumni 

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