
From NZ to France by bike: CycleForWater is back for the 3rd edition, you can help them!

09 February 2022 Diplomas

During his last year of the Master in Entrepreneurship at TBS in 2021, César De Gouville (TBS 2021) had the opportunity to meet the inspiring Théo Rohfrischt (TBS 2012) to discuss CycleForWater, a project that is committed, supportive, but above all completely crazy! More than a humanitarian and sporting project, CycleForWater is a real movement aiming to raise public awareness about the management of a vital resource: drinking water. 25,000 km by bike and tens of thousands of euros raised to finance 5 projects for access to drinking water in Thailand and Indonesia in 2015.

Resolutely motivated to take up the CycleForWater torch, César decided to free up as much time as possible between courses and work experience to get involved in this project which is close to his heart. Today, César is a fresh graduate and has built a team of 4 determined ambassadors from Normandy.


Their objective is simple: to leave New Zealand and return to France by bicycle (25,000 km on the strength of our calves) in order to improve the conditions of access to drinking water for 12,000 people in South-East Asia. To do this, they have entered into partnerships with 4 local NGOs in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. Many isolated regions in these countries are currently considered to be under water stress and access to drinking water is a daily challenge.


They want to develop water projects that will improve the living conditions of children and families who suffer daily from a lack of water resources or contaminated water. Let us not forget that today, 33% of the world's population does not have permanent access to drinking water. This resource, which is (wrongly) taken for granted and believed to be unlimited, will be one of the major challenges to be met in the coming decades.


The CycleForWater project is making great strides, they have found their first sources of funding and have received the support of several town halls and the Normandy region.

We would like to thank the TBS Foundation and the Atale association for their financial support of 10,000 euros (5,000 euros from the TBS Foundation's solidarity fund, 5,000 euros from the Atale association). We are delighted at the idea of meeting the TBS alumni on our immense journey and we will not fail to share our exchanges with them.

We are currently pursuing our active search for partners to sponsor the 3rd edition of CycleForWater. Joining our adventure is an opportunity for a company to unite its employees in France and abroad around a meaningful project.

We are aware that we won't save the whole planet thanks to our actions, but 4 people from Normandy who are over-motivated to improve the lives of 12,000 people, that's already a good start, isn't it?

- César de Gouville

If you are interested in their project, don't hesitate to follow them on the networks, great news are coming soon! Stay tuned! 



 Instagram - CycleForWater 

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