
Héléna HADJUR - TBS Foundation proud to support committed student projects

09 July 2020 Students


In her capacity as Young Delegate for Climate at the United Nations, 
Héléna HADJUR, PGE 2022

is participating in international negotiations for the climate (COPs) within the French delegation as part of a 2-year mandate.

Two young delegates have been selected by the French Interministerial Delegation (members of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition).

There are two major objectives in her role as Young Climate Delegate:

  • Reinforce the role of youth within the COPs
  • Increase awareness and mobilize young people on the questions in the fight against climate change and sustainable development by intervening in colleges, secondary schools and higher education establishments. Helena has already held one-hour conferences in four colleges in Toulouse.

The association of Young Ambassadors for the Climate includes 37 members, amongst them, 2 Young Delegates.  The association has to bear the costs mostly due to the members' travel needs. Iit sends two Young Delegates and four other members to the climate intercessions (every year in Bonn, Germany), and to the COPs (this year in Chili). 
Additional costs are for travel in France, going to establishments to increase awareness. 

The TBS Fondation, who is committed to actors in CSR and Ecology, as is the School,
has decided to award Helena with an exceptional support grant of 1500€ to cover her travel costs. 


TBS Fondation, Together Building Solidarity


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