
Jean-Paul GRUMEL (TBS 1981) - Auditor in Asset Management

07 December 2020 Portraits / Podcasts

Know who you are in order to reach out to others...  

Why did you choose TBS for your studies? 
At the time I had started a university degree in Economic Science and I discovered the School in rue de la Dalbade just at the time when the entrance exams were taking place. I passed them and didn't hesitate one minute, I started my course immediately at Sup de Co Toulouse. I was attracted by a school which was on a human scale and which generated a true sense of belonging as well as getting us ready for a successful start in professional life. 

Do you have any stories from your year to share? 
The school year was dotted with lots of events aiming to promote bonds between students and to gain skills in team organization and management (integration week, Carnaval, elections, etc.). I was on the list of second year elections and the only point of that was to have fun and encourage the first years to go for election. 

What are you currently doing and how did you reach this point in your professional career?
Once I had passed my degree, I worked for 10 years as a network sales engineer in the Philips group and at Sligos (Atos). The next 18 years I spent teaching marketing and management to students from CAP, Bac Pro and BTS sections, mainly in a work-study placement context. I went on to validate a professional title as Training Project Manager with the CNAM and then in 2018, I created an association called Educ15, the purpose of which is provide coaching during studies towards employment.

Today, in my situation as a retired employee, I am now involved in Relationship Marketing, specifically in the are of family financial planning and asset management.

What advice would you give to student and graduate alumni who might wish to follow a similar career path to yours? 
First and foremost, it is important to understand your skills and for that it is worth taking a skills assessment. Then, I would advise taking a close look at Relationship Marketing which is a powerful tool today and can be applied in many areas.  

Feel free to contact Jean-Paul to discuss in more detail !

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