
Lynda LONGEAU (TBS 2015) - Developing human capital

05 October 2020 Association

Lynda LONGEAU is a consultant, trainer and coach in human capital development. She recently joined the consulting firm, Antei, created in 2010 by Emilie Gallet & Benoit Tournet.

ANTEI is a expert consulting firm which specializes in change management

This consulting firm has been operating with companies for over 10 years to support cultural and operational transformation projects. 

The human being is at the heart of our support and we engage with leaders, managers and teams: with individual or collective coaching and co-development.

Here are some cases as an example : 

  • You need to make a strategic choice for yourself and you have thought about it so much you no longer know what to do 
  • You have taken on a new role and you wish to consolidate your position
  • You have lost the sense of implication on a daily basis and you want to get back your lost motivation 
  • You wish to bring your team together around common ideas 
  • You wish to increase the self-sufficiency of your team while emphasizing mutual support and collective intelligence 

If you would like to know more about our vision and how we can accompany you, please contact us : after we have spent a first session with you to get to know you and clarify your objectives, we will then propose the most suitable type of support

We offer a 15% reduction for all members of the TBS Alumni network.



You need to be loggin in as a fully paid-up member* to contact LYNDA

* TBS Graduates from year 2017 and before are invited to pay a life membership fee to enjoy all our services. For more information, click here.
All other members are invited to show their spirit of solidarity by becoming a donor Member of TBS Foundation. For more information, click here.




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