
Lynda Longeau (TBS 2015) - What does being a manager in 2021 entail ?

28 April 2021 Careers

In the wake of this year when it was vital to reinvent oneself in the role of director or manager, after this year when one had to stay strong and driven in the face of an unprecedented situation in order to carry, encourage and motivate teams that were greatly affected, a year when innovation was necessary all the time to compensate for the emotional shortfall caused by distance, management is showing signs of strain... 

Lynda Longeau who has been a professional coach and consultant in change implementation for over 15 years, has written this article with an invitation to look at the situation today with different eyes (vous propose son regard sur la situation actuelle (crossing the health crisis with an economic and psychological crisis) and their effects on companies within the scope of their essential componants, that is, human beings. 


Read entire article (in French only)

In summary : 

  • Statement on the psychological endurance felt by managers over the last year (CODIR & Management de proximité)
  • Identification of the mental and physiological impacts and their symptoms in everyday work that is now punctuated by fewer and shorter moments of human interaction. 
  • Potential solutions to put the energy back into individuals and their teams. 

How can we transform the present crisis into an opportunity to change management practices ? 

Individual and group coaching remains a key factor in taking stock of this shift which is a society, human and managerial phenomenon.  

Article written by Lynda Longeau, member of our Mutual support section.
For more informatoin about Lynda : Read her presentation.

You need to be logged in as a fully paid-up* member to contact LYNDA

* TBS Graduates before and up to year 2017 are invited to pay a life membership fee to enjoy all our services. For more information, click here.

All other members are invited to show their spirit of solidarity by becoming a donor Member of TBS Foundation. For more information, click here.

N.B. The following information is applicable in France only : Some of our coaches are eligible for personal training allowances. If you are unemployed, you can use your personal training allowance (CPF) without having to obtain prior agreement from the Unemployment Office you are attached to. The course fees can be paid for by FPSPP. You can take advantage of the advice for professional development and choose the training within the list of eligible courses. The personal training allowance is available to anyone who is in work over the age of 16. This individual allowance runs throughout your professional life and is not tied to one particular work contract (whether you are signed up at the unemployment office or not, or within a “Contrat de sécurisation professionnelle”). Consult & use your training allowance  (website in French).

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