
Our Incredible Life Paths: Claudine SOURNAC (TBS 1992)

15 July 2019 Portraits / Podcasts

Please give us a short introduction about yourself.


Why did you choose to go to Toulouse and TBS to study?

After I did a hypokhâgne (an intensive foundation degree literature at Pierre de Fermat) and an International Business BTS, I looked for a programme that was neither purely intellectual, nor totally specialised, so I chose the ESC Toulouse, which is high-level general programme.


Would you tell us about your time as a student at TBS?

I met students from all background at the School, sometimes very different than mine. During my last year, I was in Berlin with students who were preparing to do a year getting a double degree in Germany. The wall in Berlin had barely come down. It was pretty incredible to be able to go to neighbourhoods in East Germany.

Then, during third year, we welcomed some German students in our class. That even increased the diversity of students by integrating engineering profiles into the mix.


Who are you now?


From what perspective did you enter the labour force after graduation? What motivated you?

For my last year, I chose to do a major in international business. I liked the intercultural aspect and was curious about other economic and cultural realities.  When I left the school, I was offered a job working for six months in business development at a training agency. I didn’t triple its revenues; however, I discovered my path in life. At the end of that contract, I looked for a job in the same field, and quickly found one. This time I got a position in commercial development, but I also managed a team, and quickly I started giving advice SMEs.


What is your current situation?

I then worked for 16 years in the Human Resources Department of ETI, a large company, and was in upper management in the Human Resources Development department (Assistant HR Director)

Currently, I do consulting in human resources, management and organisation, and I also do training in those same areas.


Why did you choose this field, this goal?

The desire to transmit, share, and intellectual curiosity were significant drivers, as well as something I enjoy doing: meeting the leaders of small (but very wonderful) companies, and contributing towards making the companies more efficient, and making those who work for them thrive! 


How did what you learn help you reach your personal and professional goals?

After my first five years, I got my DESS (post-graduate degree) in Human Resources at an advisory and training body.  My double degree has brought me a lot in terms of my standing with bosses and managers. I have the impression that my generalist training at TBS has made my understanding of business problems, financial issues, etc., easier.  Those who make the decisions often tell me, “That’s crazy   How did you guess that we are in such-and-such type of situation?”

Thank you TBS!


How has the alumni network been a support for you?


How would you recommend using it?

I quickly got involved with the Association. At first, I worked on the magazine “Agor” (now “la Tribu”).  The years when I was head editor gave me the chance to meet Alumni of all the generations, some of whom often had very astonishing paths, and to see how the be much mutual aid there is between Alumni. On my side, I am often asked for advice, to help network, etc., and I always am pleased to do so.

Today, I am head of the Human Resources student association, and I mentor several students.


What advice would you give to TBS alumni, students, or graduates? 

Be curious, be open, and be confident in yourself!



Love it

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