
Remy Watremez (TBS 2018) - Novelist and Copywriter

09 April 2020 Portraits / Podcasts

Remy is lucky enough to have a close connection between how he earns a living and how he likes to spend his free time : a passion for writing. Discover the portrait of this young author !

Why did you choose Toulouse and TBS for your studies ?

Apart from the fierce desire to reconnect with the word «sun» after three years spent in preparatory classes in Strasbourg, it was for the «Management of cultural and creative activities» option (MACC for those who are familiar with the term) that I wanted to join TBS. It was a truly satisfying to integrate TBS after my schooling which was somewhat, let's say, original.

At the beginning of the story I obtained my professional school certificate with the option "commerce". Right from college I was interested in careers linked to sales and commerce and this study path seemed to me to be the most oppropriate. However, I note that :

  • it was a mistake 
  • unfortunately in France the professional school certificate is not designed to be a fast track for learning a trade and working in it. Its more like being put on the shelf for those who prefer not to follow the "mainstream" curriculum.

In my second-to-last school year, I heard about preparatory classes that were atypical and specially designed for people with a professional school certificate : one in Strasbourg at Lycée René Cassin, the other in Marseille next to Lycée Jean Perrin. So I headed to Strasbourg, not only for my strong taste for fermented cabbage ("choucroute" for amateurs). It was my first step towards TBS !

Can you tell us about your time as a student at TBS ?

It was a time rich with encounters and experiences... The start of my reply sounds like a Miss saying her thank-you's at the "Charentes Slipper Fair" yet it is the most accurate conclusion I can give you. 

After I listed for the BDEX with my "Samourider" mates, my M1 year was truly a pivital time during my studies at TBS.

The «Marketing» major gave me the opportunity to develop a good number of skills that are essential even today in my everyday activities. During my interim year, I had the chance to work as Editorial Assistant at Babelio, the equivalent of "Allociné" in literature : It was an experience that confirmed beyond doubt that I wanted to work in the book world. 

Do you have any stories to share ? 

If I had only one to quote, I think my best souvenir was the moments that I shared with my imitator friends, Fabien and Pierre, during and after the admissions period. The fact that I perfected my impersonation of Julien Lepers with them, over and above fulfiling the deep-rooted fantasy of one day presenting "Questions for a champion" in front of an audience younger than 120, it was truly a great experience between friends and class mates. 

Nevertheless, it is always a hard choice to make ...

I also have memories of the handball court with the "Baltringues", moments spent with friends from OP MACC, TDA, etc.

What were your main objectives when you started work after your degree ?

Right from the end of M1 year, my roadmap was clearly traced out : work in publishing and jointly develop my website with news and a literary column : Lettres it be.

I did not want to pin all my hopes on this project which, even if it is growing year by year (YouTube, podcasts, online newspaper), doesn't yet make me financially self-sufficient. My leitmotiv, is that it is very important for me to work in an area I am passionate about, with people who are dedicated and inspiring. 

From a more down-to-earth standpoint, these areas rarely allow high income. The wealth we acquire is different (my "Miss Poitou-Charentes" side is popping up again…).

What are you currently doing ?

After having spent 6 months as Editorial Assistant, I am currently working as Copywriter in a publishing house that specializes in natural health, in Lausanne, Switzerland.

At the same time, I am still developing Lettres it be on different supports : website (on average 8000 pages opened per month), nearly 6000 subscribers on YouTube, 8500 on Facebook, 2400 on Twitter, with podcasts available on Spotify, Deezer, amongst others.

Several days ago, I completed a new project of the greatest importance to me : the publication of my first novel, L’Étoile noire. I became infatuated with the singer, Amy Winehouse, and her incredible life journey… This novel is a biographic approach to her life. My intent was to create a ping-pong effect between past and present, what she went through with what we can live today through her and her music, etc.  

Warning the end is spoilt ! She dies. Except what if…

Why did you choose this project ?

Copywriting is a sales techniques that has allowed many American companies, in particular, to take off since the 1960s.

You are perhaps wondering what copywriting actually is, just two clicks away from a Google search ? Here is the answer : the use of messages of various lengths (up to 40 or 50 pages sometimes !), which convinces the mind of the reader-consumer, making the decision to purchase a foregone conclusion.

The company for whom I am working gave me the opportunity to learn how to do this job entirely based on reading.  The best way to rediscover my number one passion. 

Finally, I am lucky enough to have close links between my professional occupation and my free time : my passion for writing.

What was the point when you knew that is was the right path for you ? 

This opportunity opened up for me after several coincidences at work. I was given a chance to learn a new line of work and at the same time, there was the chance I would fail at it. Copywriting is a skill where failure provides the foundation. It is a means of learning, perhaps the best on the road to longterm success. These ingredients, amongst many others, meant that I was willing to take this path.

How did you get to where you are today in your career ?  

I actually only left the school a year and a half ago, but I already have the feeling that I've gone through several stages. I was slightly reticent at the start about the idea of working abroad but the opportunity I found in Switzerland prooved to me that I really could have done so earlier. 

What benefits did you get out of your studies for your professional/personal achievements ?

I am learning more and more, gaining in knowledge in a specific professional area at the same time. The  foundation of skills learnt during my training at TBS has clearly given me great benefits today, indeed also for the future.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now ?

Sitting in a bar with friends and singing the praises of the researcher who found the solution against the coronavirus ten years earlier, turning this sad time into a little scar in our recent History... 

More seriously, I hope to improve my writing in all areas possible to stay as close as possible to my main objective : be lucky enough to earn a living from writing, with "Lettres it be", my novel writing and/or copywriting.

How did the Alumni network support you ?

It is a strong long-lasting link between people from the same community at a set moment in time. Even if we don't necessarily have the chance to see each other, this link is still very present and can stay with us throughout our career. During my time at TBS, I didn't hesitate to contact Alumni that provided me with support quickly. I hope that I in turn will be able to help in the future and perpetuate that. 

How would you recommend using the network ? 

«If you want to get, give.» Again a quote that might seem as empty as a reality show, but it underlines the real truth behind the TBS Alumni network : it is a permanent exchange. A exchange of time, advice, souvenirs... While we are still within the school, we often see it as a quick way to find a traineeship. In time, the reality of this exchange platform becomes clear and we understand how important it is. First, we receive, then we give. And so on.  

What advice would you give to TBS students and graduates ?

Avoid simplicity ! 

Finally, are you willing for Alumni to contact you directly if they are interested in your career path? 

Certainly ! I am always delighted to meet new people, to exchange and share ideas. That must be my Michel Drucker side…


And discover his novel L’Étoile noire here :


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