
Sébastien PLANE, from finance to beekeeping !

24 May 2023 Portraits / Podcasts

Sébastien PLANE, who graduated from TBS Education in 2001, began his career as a results and risk manager at Crédit Lyonnais, following his end-of-studies internship.

He spent 4 years in this position working for several client portfolios. At that time, it was the explosion of computing power. At Credit Lyonnais, everything had to be reorganized. The strategy had to be created from scratch. For Sébastien, this was a great opportunity, opening up the field of possibilities. He quickly became manager of the activity monitoring team. A development that came about during the merger of the two banks: Crédit Lyonnais and Crédit Agricole. This position required a lot of involvement, as no management structure existed. It was a rich adventure that allowed him to increase his skills.

In 2006, the results monitoring sector was facing a strong increase in job offers. Sébastien was then contacted by several companies. He first joined IXIS-CIB, then Natixis.

In 2015, as the markets stagnate, Sébastien begins to question the usefulness of his work and his missions in the financial sector. He wonders what finance is for and who really benefits from it.

For him, at that time, finance did not create wealth, it only served to make money. This vision no longer fit him. He then took the time to reflect and find a new project that would allow him to feel useful.

In 2017, Sébastien embarked on opening a Laforêt franchised real estate agency. This adventure is quite successful and lasts 5 years. By constantly observing the real estate market, he perceives the risks of crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He then decided to sell his agency.

In 2021, Sébastien leaves for Bosnia. A trip during which he discovers new landscapes and a new culture. Grandson of a beekeeper, he grew up in the middle of the hives. In Bosnia, beekeeping is common and there are many structures installed in the middle of nature. An idea germinated in his mind!

Sébastien was looking for a new professional orientation that would be linked to the protection of the environment and useful for future generations. He learns about the world of beekeeping, its markets and its opportunities. Having always been passionate about this environment, he now wishes to contribute to the development of biodiversity thanks to bees.

Sébastien realized early on in his research that the beekeeping sector was vast. After a thorough analysis, he realized that the French market for fresh royal jelly was both promising and uncompetitive.

The idea came to him to create a concept that did not exist on the current French market. In his studies, Sébastien realized that the distributors of honey are never the producers. The circuits are long and the distribution is done by a wholesaler most of the time. The royal jelly is then sold via e-commerce sites. This creates mismatches, the product is not properly promoted and there is a loss of profit.

Convinced of the relevance of his idea, Sébastien decided to become both a producer and a seller of royal jelly, as well as other beekeeping products. He thus combined his two passions: beekeeping and entrepreneurship. Thanks to his family and professional knowledge, he embarked on this great adventure and created "Les Abeilles d'Avenir" in 2022.

This project required hard work and the ability to develop diverse skills in very different fields. He created his own colony of bees, his hives and started the production of royal jelly. In order to market it, he created a website, currently a showcase, but which will soon become a trading platform. On this site, you can discover all his secrets about beekeeping, the production of royal jelly and soon buy it! The Bees of the Future

Sébastien's advice: "Don't be afraid to go off the beaten path".

When he graduated from TBS Education, Sébastien thought he would have a career path and work all his life in finance or as an entrepreneur. Les Abeilles d'Avenir is for him one of his greatest successes. He blossoms in a daily work that he enjoys.

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