
Subscribe to TBS Alumni, an opportunity to keep in touch with your colleagues and increase value to your network

15 October 2021 Association


Our association works on a daily basis to support you at all stages of your professional life.

Our mission

To maintain an efficient and friendly network that allows our members to get in touch with each other, in order to create links and develop professional synergies.


In order to present you with all the richness of TBS Alumni's actions and the advantages of joining our association, we have chosen simplicity. Rather than making grand speeches, let the results speak for themselves. Because in these unprecedented times, TBS Alumni has shown itself to be resilient and extremely solid, by developing new services and innovative event formats such as TBS Global Week.


Become a lifetime member, the network will be even richer!

More than ever before, intergenerational solidarity is vital. We believe in this virtuous circle where each member of the network can participate in the professional development of his/her peers. 

You are interested in :

  • help new generations to build their future, where you yourself started
  • grow your network beyond borders and continue to make TBS a reference in the professional world


By becoming a member of our association, you contribute by allowing us to ensure the sustainability and development of our services and actions towards all alumni.

We are honoured to count you as a member of our association. To become a member, it's very simple: you just have to contribute once. A lifetime membership to TBS Alumni: simple and effective!


The single fee is 350€.
The couple price is 525€.


We count on you to join, act and contribute to the vitality of the TBS Alumni community.

Thank you for your commitment!




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