
TBSocial Network, a tool that does you good!

03 June 2022 Association

TBSocial Network, otherwise known as "directory", is not a bloodthirsty monster that would feed on your data, but rather a tool entirely designed for you!


A simple observation


It highlights the links created during studies, the sharing of the same values and common themes... between Alumni.

The feeling of belonging and pride in being part of a school is a real driver for networking.

The directory enriches your professional network


Indicate your profession to participate in the many networking events organised by our volunteer alumni groups, all linked by their professional sector.


With the directory you are always France and elsewhere


Inform us of your current location to be invited to the activities organised by the Chapters, also run by volunteer Alumni, all over the world!

A great opportunity to meet, get information or get a little help from the Alumni around you, no matter where you are in the world.

Make the most of your degree in the labour market


Remuneration, type of contract and means of recruitment are often the bêtes noires of our Alumni profiles...Yet this information allows us to build solid statistics on the professional situation of our Alumni who are still students or 20 years after leaving school.


This information is sent anonymously and will never be marketed.

So let's all work together to improve the TBS Alumni experience! In short, TBSocial Network is:



Nos tutos TBSocial Network
(only available in French)


Il n'y a pas pire que de recevoir trop de mails... c'est pourquoi nous vous proposons de ne vous abonner qu'aux communications qui vous intéressent ! A vos réglages, prêts, paramétrez !    

Décidez de la confidentialité de vos données sur TBSocial Network      

La synchronisation entre LinkedIn et votre profil TBSocial Network, ça vous parle ?       

Vous avez un rôle à jouer dans la valorisation de votre diplôme 😉      



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