
Teleworking hints by Ambre Crocis (TBS 2014)

16 April 2020 Association

Ambre CROCIS (TBS 2014), Digital Transformation Consultant, shares some tips with us during this period of teleworking :

How do you host a design thinking workshop using distance learning ?

For those who have already used this method, you surely know that it implies a large number of face-to-face workshops bringing together multi-disciplinary teams, a considerable amount of post-its, icebreakers, or even a full range of tools and templates to be filled in. 

Ambre shares good practices and her favorite tools to successfully run design thinking workshops at a distance, in three steps:

Step 1 : Preparation: Set up precise timing, limit the number of activities, plan breaks, limit the number of subjects addressed, choose the appropriate tools and check you know how to use them, and give the participants time to familiarise themselves with them : Ahead of the workshop.

Step 2 : When the workshop starts : Take sufficient time for the set-up, give clear instructions about the rules of the distance learning workshop, be as clear as possible about the rules in the exercises to be completed, create a climate of trust, keep a precise track on timing, and draw the workshop to conclusion.

Step 3 : Build the follow-up : Thank participants, share the workshop summary, and take action.

                                                                                                          For more information clic here


How do you manage good team meetings during the Covid-19 period ?

Organising a team meeting is not an easy task in normal circumstances, but it is even less easy when it has to be held at a distance. The present crisis is a unique opportunity to rethink our work practices and prepare for the future by implementing distance management methods and collaborative tools. 

It is clear that the majority of French businesses have gone from "occasional teleworking" to "generalised teleworking". It was an extreme change for some. Therefore the question is : which tools are best suited to my company and organisation to manage team meetings during the lock-down period ?

Ambre provides us with the best tools and advice to help us run our meetings from a distance :

Slack: Will be a considerable help in facilitating internal communications. As many communication channels can be created as there are projects, teams or subjects to be addressed. The distant meetings can be organised using videoconference or audio calls. Moreover subscription is free. There is also a paying version : try it and adopt it !

Discord: Lightweight, simple and fast, this tool eliminates any complexity linked to the IT world. Subscription is free and includes functions such as chat, voice, videoconference, screen-sharing and various voice servers (similar to Slack).

Flock: It's advantage includes interconnectivity with many other tools : Joinme, Github, IFTTT, Google Drive, amongst others. In other words, it is Slack and Teams in one and the same tool !

Advice : 

Good practice #1 : Before the start of your meeting, check that you know how to use the tool and carry out connection tests, for example, open the videoconference and avoid bad surprises. Make sure you send an agenda to the participants and define who runs the meeting (our advice is to work in pairs). 

Good practice #2 : During the meeting, recall the purpose and the agenda. Define a time keeper (to avoid going over time) and a person to take notes. Above all, make sure each person has time to speak. 

Good practice #3 : Finally, after the meeting remember to ask for feedback (what worked well, what worked less well, areas of improvement for future meetings). See how the participants felt, their frame of mind, and last of all, make sure a report is written if necessary. 

For more information clic here

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