
Thierry Perrocheau: From humanitarian to Ecoconstruction

03 April 2024 Portraits / Podcasts

Thierry PERROCHEAU (TBS Education 2023) is completing a VAE after almost 5 years with Médecins Sans Frontières and 15 years of committed entrepreneurship with MecoConcept. Within Médecins Sans Frontières, he has worked in a number of different areas, always looking for meaning. It was during one of his missions that the idea for MecoConcept emerged.

What is your professional background and how did you get to this position?

I began my professional career as an industrial draughtsman. I worked in this position for 7 years, until an acquaintance told me about Médecins Sans Frontières. I was intrigued and wanted to find out more about the NGO and its projects. I went on to find out more about the different jobs and missions at Médecins Sans Frontières. On my first trip to meet them, I discovered the jobs that matched my background and personality. I had found my calling and it made sense.


I was hired as a logistician-administrator and then moved on to team and project management positions. I was very versatile and often wore several hats.


After several years traveling on various missions, one of my colleagues entrusted me with one of his projects: to find a solution to improve infrastructure construction in countries in need. I was immediately convinced by the idea.

It met a real need.


We finally launched the project together.

We were both on the ground at the time, which enabled us to observe and study the needs of the market.


In 2006, we joined the Midi-Pyrénées incubator, with the MecoBriq project, which became MecoConcept in 2008: a company that designs, produces and sells a manufacturing process for self-locking compressed mud bricks, enabling temperature regulation in buildings. The process is also ideally suited to construction in emerging countries.

What were the main challenges when you set out?

When we started out, we combined our knowledge. We were complementary. However, the adventure wasn't linear, and we had to face up to difficulties for which we had to train or find help. We needed technical skills related to our business, but also entrepreneurial skills. I had to adjust some of my skills and learn more about entrepreneurship.

These skills were acquired over time, through meetings with various "mentors" who helped me learn many different trades, and through various training courses on specific topics.

How has TBS Education helped you in your career?

For personal and professional reasons, I felt it was necessary to validate these skills through a diploma, as there was a big gap between my real skills and my academic qualifications, hence the idea of VAE.


TBS Education offered me the PGE master's degree, which enabled me to keep my business going while I obtained my diploma. I also attended a few courses that helped me to complete my training. The support I received for my dissertation was very instructive and helped me to take a step back from my business. What's more, with this renowned diploma, I've gained credibility, especially when it comes to fund-raising. It gave me a fresh perspective, business-focused skills and a network of dedicated professionals.


"When you need to upskill or take a step back from your business while developing your skills, don't be afraid to turn to tailored training. Retraining is a real lever for business leaders or executives."

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