
With the TBS Foundation Develop inter-generational mutual aid between Alumni!

09 December 2021 School

Did you know that? More than 80% of the individual donors of the TBS Foundation are Alumni from TBS: business leaders, employees, retirees, young graduates ... there is no typical profile when the cause makes sense!


Thanks to your donations, the TBS Foundation has been able to pay 92 COVID emergency grants for a total of €73,000 to help students in great need during the health crisis. And there will be 200 more grants by the end of the year to the most deserving students in need.

The development of students remains a priority, and the Foundation makes it a point of honour to provide them with the conditions for a more serene education, which combines excellence and inclusion.


Thanks to your donations, the TBS Foundation also participates in the financing of TBSeeds, the School's incubator. Each year, more than 20 business creation projects of our students and graduates are supported. To date, 143 entrepreneurial projects, 46 companies and over 160 jobs have been created.


Thanks to your donations, the TBS Foundation is committed to awareness-raising actions (disability, gender parity) and supports the development of projects in favour of social openness and academic excellence where you, as an Alumni, can get involved: mentor or sponsor of a student, intervening professor or even recruiter of future graduates.


This burst of generosity encourages our School in its dynamic societal transition whose ambitions are at the heart of the new strategic plan to 2026: to become the school of educational well-being, to strengthen the employability of its learners to make them inspiring and responsible leaders who will be the actors of change, and to maximize its societal impact on its territories.


The TBS Foundation, which is celebrating its 13th year of existence, is a formidable tool to achieve these goals, relying on the strength of the network of its Alumni and promoting inter-generational support.

As an Alumni, you have the opportunity to bring all these projects to life by donating to the Foundation of your school. Do not forget that your donation is tax deductible. Choose to devote it to effective and solidarity projects, which you care about!

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