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07 June 2023

Emmanuel Anton, the President of TBS Alumni elected in 2022 and myself, appointed in September of the same year, wanted to take advantage of this editorial to keep you informed about our Association.

For 2023 and beyond, your association has set itself big  and beautiful ambitions, such as relaunching the in-person events in the chapters - this has started with Paris, Barcelona, London, Lyon, to name but a few - but also that of being even closer to you, wherever you are in the world, whether you call your school Sup' de Co, ESC or TBS.

The strength of a network is measured by the team spirit and solidarity that animates it and we are proud to be able to rely on many of you who work, every day, to make this community alive and dynamic: active volunteers, members of the Board of Directors, leaders of chapters and tribes spread around the world, or those of you who forward job offers and internships to our Alumni. 


This association is above all yours, so congratulations and thank you for your desire, your determination, and your involvement.

We also wanted to take this opportunity to express our warmest thanks to Cathy Halupniczak, General Delegate of the association from 2006 to 2023, who took a well-deserved retirement last January. 

Cathy has been the driving force of the association over the past 17 years, sometimes holding it up single-handedly and propelling it forward when given the means. For many of us, she was an encyclopaedia,who knew how to explain all the inner workings of the Association, who knew the Alumni without having

to consult the Directory and who knew how to put us in touch with the right profile to organise a conference at the drop of a hat. She left her mark on our community, and we wish her an excellent retirement (which she started by participating in the Calçotada organised by the Barcelona Chapter, which bodes well for future interactions with her dear Alumni).


In this new issue of Cahiers de La Tribu, we wanted to address a subject that is becoming central to all companies, I am of course talking about sobriety. To enlighten us on this subject, we have collected the views of Alumni leaders, entrepreneurs, service managers, consultants, or energy network managers. Thank you to each of them for their time, their expertise, and their kindness.


Although they all have their own perspective and sometimes strong points of view, they all tend towards the same conclusion, the same need for companies to reinvent themselves to build a new way of producing value, more sober and more responsible.

We hope you enjoy reading this new issue of Cahiers de La Tribu.



Grégoire ANTOINE (TBS 2005), General Delegate of TBS Alumni   

Emmanuel ANTON (TBS 2011), President of TBS Alumni





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