
Un article de Nathanael Noiraud (TBS 2010) dans le New York Times !

29 juillet 2019 Diplômés

''Nathanael Noiraud has found his purpose in life — helping innovative start-ups, scale-ups and small and medium enterprises in booming sectors in the Asia-Pacific region such as mobile tech (apps, services), artificial intelligence, education (neurosciences and cognitive tech), smart city and e-commerce.

And in doing so, he has developed strategies, led website development and brought together an international and multilingual team, numbering some 60 people.

It’s an amalgamation of various talents — business developers, advisors, project managers and marketing/ public relations practitioners — and he, the lynchpin.

Now based in Kuala Lumpur (KL), he’s the founder and CEO of N-Strategy Consulting Services Ltd (NSCS) that has roped in 60 clients and 15 strategic partnerships since late 2016.

Those are just his stated website essentials. He has been in Malaysia since 2011, seeing the country as a launchpad for his forays into the Asia-Pacific region and further afield.

Initially, he came to Malaysia as the country manager, then MD of Gameloft SE — a mobile application company doing entertainment apps, mainly games, future licences for Marvel Games, the Minions and the like.

But his initial experience with Asia was after his studies. His first job saw him based in Lisbon, Portugal, selling optical frames and in charge of the drive into the Americas, Canada, Mexico and Brazil.

Production was in China back then and while attending a trade show in Hong Kong, he had felt the intensity of the island unlike anything he had experienced before, not even in New York with its reputation of a city that never sleeps.

Clearly, something was happening in this part of the world and it would be interesting to explore it a bit more. All this he articulated in a torrent, indicative of a mind racing along, yet coping with all that was clamouring to be said.''

Découvrez la totalité de cet article, source ici. 


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