
Pierre-Olivier NAU (TBS 2000) - Director of Manatour

27 August 2020 Portraits / Podcasts

I am 44 years old, married to Marie for almost 10 years, we have two children: Gustave (7), and Madeleine (4 ½ ). We live in Levallois, near Paris.

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I graduated in 2000 with a major in Marketing with Geneviève Cazes-Valette, whom I greatly appreciate, as she inspired me a lot : I warmly thank her for that !

After twenty years working in Paris, London and Brussels in marketing and communication of financial services, I now have the opportunity to manage the Manatour Group, a pioneering family business specialised in industrial tourism, based in Blagnac, and now also in Paris. I share my time between the two cities.

Have you any stories about your year to share with us? 

Strangely, I was marked by the teacher's introductory sentence of the first law class: "In life, everything is a contract". It's both pathetic, and quite true. 

Is your current job CEO of the Manatour Group?

Yes, indeed, it's my job, and I love it ! 

Manatour is the leading French Company in industrial tourism and welcomes nearly 500,000 visitors per year on a total of 30 different facilities, including Airbus, EDF, aeroscopia, La Dépêche du Midi, le Stade Toulousain, le Grand Marché, Paris la Défense Arena.

What advantages did your studies bring to your career choice?

Varied opportunities, the notoriety of our diploma, solid foundations and a valuable network.

How do you position yourself in the alumni’s network?

I do not play an active role in the association (even if I contribute), but I participate to the Executive Committee of the TBS Foundation which relies a lot on the network.

Could you tell us a little more about your academic background? 

Even if I was born in Bordeaux, my heart belongs to Toulouse: I studied at Le Caousou then at Lycée Ozenne, for a bac eco (at the time, bac B), and prepa HEC, to finally be admitted at Sup de Co Toulouse, and that's it !

What are you doing today and how did you get to this point in your professional career? 

I think the common points of all my career steps are curiosity and a certain taste for risk.

Going to Paris first, and "tackling" la Défense district was like a challenge, and a desire to understand why so many decisions are made there. It's funny, by the way, two of my new clients are based in la Défense.  Then I moved to London, where I stayed for three years, at Visa Europe, to try to confront myself to an unknown universe, that was challenging and it gave me the feeling I make my own contribution. I lived with an alumni as a roommate, it was probably reassuring. The transition to international markets represented the following key step and it’s in London where I met Marie..., « Il n’y a pas de hasard, que des rendez-vous » (There is no chance, only appointments) said Éluard. Then, I moved to Brussels and Paris, as a marketing director of Visa’s competitor : MasterCard. Probably the very exciting wish to experience a rather ambitious position, and the motivation to help the challenger progress on a totally renewing market. There, I got to realize that many people love you for your position. Then, a little bit of politics (my secret passion) in a ministerial cabinet, to understand, engage and participate, and because it can't be refused. And finally, Société Générale, to compensate for the image of an unpopular business segment, which is more than essential to the economy. I can say so all the more easily since now I run a business.

How did you start your career after graduation? What were your motivations?

 In a rather naive way, I wanted to "eat" the world, and work in key positions for major brands. Very quickly, my priorities changed, and the prestige of big companies was replaced by the working environment, the teams, the pleasure of coming in the morning and the desire to contribute to an ambitious project.

When did you realise you had found your way?

Probably during my first marketing class with Geneviève. I said to myself, "I'm going to have fun”.

What advice would you give to TBS students and/or Alumni, who are looking to follow your career path?

Internships are used to better understand what you want, so they are essential. 

Experience a stay abroad.

Challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone. It makes you creative

Trust your intelligence and instinct.

How did the Alumni network support you?   

When you're not in France, it's already a very simple way to reassure yourself. Then, rely on it more as a form of mentoring than as a solution to find a job.

Finally, in a very simple way, make a phone call rather than send an email, and offer a coffee in the morning. Those who will not be able to remember that they have gone through that do not deserve your interest, so go your way.

What will you be in ten years’s time?

I’ll be the Dad of two confident and creative teenagers, and Manager of my company, which will be a European reference for economic discovery and scientific and industrial culture, for all types of audience. Thanks to the visit of facilities, virtual reality, augmented reality, holograms, etc.. 

A single motto :  offering everybody the means to understand "how it works". 

A final word ?

Donate to the TBS Foundation to enable the most meritorious students who cannot afford to pay for their education at TBS. 

Equal opportunities are a major factor for progress in our society.


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