
Deux Alumni accompagnent la Ligue Sport Adapté Occitanie dans sa collecte de fonds

24 février 2022 Diplômés

Edouard Rappaz and Andrea Desantis (TBS2016), founders of Mécénat Public Privé in 2021, are looking for patrons and partners to associate with the Trans'Occitanie, carried by the Ligue du Sport Adapté Occitanie.


The Trans'Occitanie is a sports and solidarity crossing of the region, along the Canal du Midi, between May 19th and 24th 2022, in several stages, through multi-sports relays, accessible to people with disabilities, school groups, companies, sports clubs and families.


1,000 participants are expected throughout the Trans'Occitanie: the western route will start in Montauban and the eastern route in Beaucaire, to meet both in Narbonne, during a friendly and festive closing day.


This event is an opportunity for the Ligue Sport Adapté Occitanie to organize an event accessible to all and to promote social inclusion, for a better equality of opportunities and rights for everyone.


The Ligue Sport Adapté Occitanie wishes to offer the possibility to the economic actors implanted on its territory to join this solidarity dynamics, within the framework of the patronage.

Translated with (free version)

Through financial support, a Company would benefit from multiple advantages:

  • A tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the donation (in accordance with current tax legislation described by Article 238 Bis of the General Tax Code),
  • The enhancement of its image and its territorial anchorage, through our communication supports,
  • The possibility of integrating its employees in the Race, on a part of its choice, in order to encourage team spirit and their commitments.

If you wish to participate and support this sport and solidarity action, do not hesitate to contact Edouard Rappaz :

mail :

téléphone : 06 85 24 62 89

Entreprenariat - Edouard RAPPAZ et Andréa DESANTIS (TBS 2016), fondateurs de Mécénat Public Privé

Le mécénat, un partenariat gagnant-gagnant entre les acteurs publics et les entreprises Mécénat Public Privé a pour ambition de développer la pratique du mécénat, en vue d’associer durablement des acteurs privés à des projets d’intérêt général. L’entreprise, créée en 20...


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