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24 September 2021


Did you know that producing a single cotton t-shirt requires the equivalent of 70 showers, or 2500 L of water? And that this same t-shirt travels on average nearly 40,000 km, in other words, around the Earth, before landing in your wardrobe? It is therefore not by accident that the Fashion Industry is the second most polluting industry. Bomolet is an environmentally responsible French brand launched in January 2021 by two young Frenchmen. It produces t-shirts for runners made from recycled plastic bottles, and made in France . Flavien Thouroude was kind enough to answer my questions.


 Crisis & CRS 

Flavien Thouroude and Nathan Darly,  both TBS Master’s Degree graduates in Digital Marketing (Class of 2020)

co-founders of Bomolet, 

An idea to change things  

Bomolet is the story of two friends, Flavien Thouroude and Nathan Darly, who went on a humanitarian trip with the NGO, Gawad Kalinga, in the Philippines. What they discovered was shocking.(The report is striking): The consumption of plastic is becoming worrying in France but "over there, it's on another level...". For these entrepreneurs, companies now have the capacity to offer recycled plastic products. That is why the founders of Bomolet, who are both passionate about running, have at their heart the aim to make sustainable t-shirts that support the local French economy and to do this with a transparent approach..

The Covid trigger

It is true that the health crisis completely upset the organization of Bomolet. It was no longer possible to participate in races (There was no more possibility to be present during the races ) nor to organize events like the Ecojog, a mixture between running and waste collection. Also, (Moreover), their workshop, victim of a Covid cluster, had to close for two weeks, which shifted the production times and caused delays on (in) the orders. Nevertheless, for Flavien, there was a positive aspect.(fact) Covid has raised the current ecological and social stakes, even if there is still a gap between awareness and action. Consumers think about consuming responsibly but do not do it systematically. According to Flavien, "it's just a matter of time" before this gap disappears.

In the end, it doesn't matter "whether it's greenwashing or not" when it comes to the (the part) fast fashion giants (behemoths),
"the important thing is that we're moving in the right direction". ».


Committed entrepreneurship is NOW.

Nowadays, recycling is commonplace and for Flavien the future will be elsewhere. New solutions will be found, and the consideration and awareness of social and environmental aspects will be trivialized. We will no longer ask ourselves or consider these questions. (These are questions that we will no longer ask ourselves.) Thanks to the awareness created during the crisis, responsible consumption is gaining in reputation. People are more attentive; mentalities have evolved, and the price of a (quality responsible) responsible and quality product is much more accepted..



Curieuse et enthousiaste, je suis actuellement étudiante en Master à TBS Education. Actuellement, en année de césure, j'effectue un stage de 6 mois en Marketing Produit chez Kinéis.

Je me plais à évoluer dans des milieux challengeants aux projets innovants et prometteurs comme je peux l'expérimenter actuellement chez Kinéis. Très sociable, j'aime travailler en équipe et apprendre ne me fait pas peur. Bien au contraire, c'est ce qui me motive. See 2 See the author's other publications

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