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15 October 2021

For Employees and Companies alike, working together in remote mode is a learning process

Published by Pierre SOULOUMIAC (TBS PROGRAMME GRANDE ECOLE, 1988) | N° 103 - La Tribu - English Version

 For Paul Boulangerthe key to the Corpoworking Project is to answer a question:
How can Corpoworking be a  real added value alternative to already existing workplaces? 


 Crisis & CRS 

Paul Boulanger (TBS 1994)
Président of Pikaïa

The ambition, but also the condition for success over the long term, is that Corpoworking should generate intrinsic value and not just because of its location.

It is therefore not just a question of building closer or less expensive locations. Corpoworking can do more: Enable a richer, more diverse, and more fluid collaboration than anywhere else. To do this, it is necessary not only to find the right site but also to learn a new way of working remotely, to carry out projects in remote mode, however complex they may be. 

This is how Paul Boulanger, with "The office near you", propels the economy of functionality and territorial cooperation in the Corpoworking Project.  On the one hand, it is not only a question of preparing the integration of teleworkers in the Corpoworking spaces by studying the "deformities" of the remote work modes, but also of integrating the territory in the project for an optimisation of the positive interactions between the Corpoworking space and its implantation area. 

It is therefore a high value-added brick that is added to the specifications co-designed by the social partners, and which reinforces the attractiveness of the concept to all stakeholders. 

To achieve this objective, the idea is to model what "the office near you" should be. To achieve this, the approach has two complementary axes. The first is carried out by PIKAÏ, Ergonova and Ema, to simulate "in real life" in three volunteer companies the working conditions in a corpoworking space with a representative sample of volunteer employees and to draw lessons for the integration of teleworkers in future sites and the anticipation of their needs. 

The other axis was selected by ADEME in the framework of its COOP'TER call for projects to instil a new approach to the economy of functionality and territorial anchoring. The work is coordinated by the firms Didier Bonin and Altamire.

These experiments will accompany the project until the deployment of the first spaces and then over time to measure and constantly improve the qualitative objectives.

During informal discussions on our respective activities, Paul immediately agreed with the Corpoworking concept, the spirit of which corresponds to the fields of expertise of Pikaïa and its partners. From this , a meeting was organised by Paul with two firms of work ergonomists , during which the concepts of economy, functionality and territorial cooperation were developed.




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