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15 October 2021

Questions for Une Fine Bouche or how to grow in times of crisis.


A few words to introduce Questions Pour une Fine Bouche?

Questions Pour Une Fine Bouche is a company managed by Fabrice Gepner that offers team building in a classic face-to-face format around the tasting of food products (cheese/wine). In March 2020, because of the health crisis, the company adapted and invented remote tasting throughout Europe thanks to a gourmet box (cheese, wine or chocolate) sent to participants for a Food Building event led by Food Geeks.


 Resilience & Flexibility 
Marion Cazes (TBS 2012)


How has Question pour une Fine Bouche weathered the crisis?

In reality, Questions Pour une Fine Bouche was born out of the crisis and developed spectacularly by taking  advantage of an original context. During this period, and quite unexpectedly, more than 200 companies took up the challenge of this new Team Building model, including GOOGLE, LVMH, AMAZON, ELIOR, DOMYTIS …...


What has happened to the social relations in your company? 

Social relations could have deteriorated internally , but the ability to adapt enabled the team to mobilise and perform well with this new project.


What needs does your start-up meet?

Our start-up helps to maintain social links with its clients' thanks to an innovative, fun, and easy-to-implement concept.


How did your start-up provide a solution to the relational distance that we experienced?

Questions Pour une Fine Bouche has adapted particularly well to the crisis. It has grown by continuing to offer a high-quality service,  with ease of organisation for a varying number of participants throughout Europe in a friendly environment. 


Also, the adaptation of our clients to the new context and this innovative proposal of remote tasting in teams has been remarkable. Probably because it met the need to get together around the basics in life.

In your opinion, how important are face-to-face relationships in team building? Are they necessary for a cohesive working group?

We can imagine that nothing will replace the meeting of individuals in the management of team building. However, the presence of the food-geeks helps to compensate for this distancing. It is a question of creating a climate that is conducive to exchange and learning about each other.


Does the future lie in distance learning?

Probably, and this is  partly because of the constraints linked to the control of certain costs or certain exceptional constraints (pandemics for example). But only in part,  because humans are sociable and are better in a face to face context.

Finally, at Questions Pour une Fine Bouche, our saying is "We like to cater for all tastes".


Directeur Société DE MA PART, conseil pour le développement commercial, la stratégie marketing et le partenariat sportif.
Accompagnement d’entreprises dans leur croissance par le biais de la mise en relation qualitative et personnalisée.
Mise en œuvre de stratégies marketing originales et adaptées.

Recherche de partenariats sportifs pour des individus ou des clubs ou associations... See the author's other publication

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