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12 October 2021

Manage and bring to life a new third place model.

Published by Pierre SOULOUMIAC (TBS PROGRAMME GRANDE ECOLE, 1988) | N° 103 - La Tribu - English Version



Arnaud Thersiquel (PGE TBS 2013)
CEO & Co-Founder AT HOME

Now a recognized specialist in the management and animation of third places,  Arnaud first went through the TBSeeds Incubator where he had developed a project for women's shoes. Then, when he left the incubator, faced with the need to work differently, he joined forces with 4 other startups by sharing a flat rented on Place de la Bourse. Given the success of this innovative place, which many other startups wanted to join, and encouraged by the benevolent attention of the political world (Jean-Luc Moudenc, Alain Di Crescenzo, Arnaud Montebourg, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet), the roommates decided to create the association "At Home" to develop this concept, which thus became Arnaud's main activity. 

The success is clear. From 15 people to 110 people in 12 months, with the need to expand by opening a new space in Toulouse, as well as the support of startups wishing to develop in Paris by opening a place in the capital. At the local level, development also involves responding to various calls for projects: 

"Toulouse is IA", "La Cité des Chercheurs" (in partnership with a subsidiary of Action Logement), "la Cité des Startups", which became La Cité, with the rehabilitation of the Halles Latécoère by the Region, as well as the Amouroux project within the framework of "Dessine-moi Toulouse".

It is at this moment that the link with the "Corpoworking" project of Action Logement was made, at the time of the search for an operator for the future space dedicated to teleworkers planned in Gimont in the former factory "Comtesse du Barry".

At Home's philosophy of developing the know-how of animation and creation of a community for a better quality of life at work finds all its resonance in the Action Logement Project.

But it is also the network effect of TBS Alumni and the bonds of trust built over several years that allowed us to launch the "Corpoworking" project in all transparency, especially since a small community of Alumni has over time rallied around this subject offering different talents and skills.


When Pierre Souloumiac told me about the approach he was taking with Action Logement around the "Corpoworking" concept, I immediately understood the need to develop this type of solution in Toulouse. We would not have been able to develop this type of concept within At Home without the expertise of the Action Logement teams in Occitania, who were able to bring together large companies, identify the key skills in the development of the concept, and provide the financial stability necessary for this type of project."



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