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24 September 2021


Published by Cécile LABORIE (TBS PROGRAMME GRANDE ECOLE, 2024) | N° 103 - La Tribu - English Version


 Resilience and Flexibility 

Julien Condamines - Director and Founder of Co-Creation Lab and Creator and Organizer of TBS Global Week

Julien Condamines discovered Design Thinking while still working at Google. After this experience at GAFA, he started to offer training on the subject in Brazil. Then, little by little, his activity became a consulting company, which after 4 years and a move to Singapore, became Co-Creation Lab. Co-Creation Lab enables companies to reinvent themselves and innovate through a radical collaborative process focused on their customers' aspirations. This is when Julien conceptualised TBS Global Week, which promotes the companies that have managed to meet this challenge.

Hope, inspiration, a positive vision of the health crisis, but also contacts, and ‘Voilà’ that's just what the TBSians need!


The World did not stop in 2020

For several years now, a seminar has been organised for alumni from all over the World. However, in 2020, Covid upset our plans and this long-awaited convivial moment could not be held. The question of a remote format then arose. After reflection, Julien with the help of Cathy, general delegate of the Alumni Association, realized that going digital had a major advantage: No room constraints, and no obligation to limit invitations! We were free to organize "A gigantic party online”.

During the health crisis and especially during the lockdowns, people were stuck and they needed to be shown that the World was still turning. According to Julien, one of the concepts that best illustrates this crisis is Darwinism: The species that survive are those that adapt. And adaptation is always possible! This is what TBS Global Week proves to us through the meeting of our inspiring Alumni : International business leaders, entrepreneurs and leaders of sustainable development with exceptional backgrounds.

Connecting all generations

Julien and Cathy wanted to create an inclusive event for the Alumni, the TBS Foundation and of course for the students. The concept had to be innovative: that's why conferences and workshops were lively, informal and participative with dynamic, inspiring and above all accessible speakers. The two objectives of TBS Global Week is to make the school shine and to inspire the students. There is a life after school, there is life despite the crises encountered : You too can create it!

Also the remote format allowed for certain flexibility since all the videoconferences could be replayed so that time differences or schedules would not penalize those who were interested in the event.

This first edition was not intended to be a physical event transformed into a digital meeting, it was designed from the start to take advantage of digital! For example, bringing together so many people at the same time from no less than 25 different countries would never have been possible otherwise. In October, the second edition will therefore continue to capitalize on this same format with an aim : To prove that the strength of TBS lies in its alumni and students, fun individuals, who are laid back even if a high bar is set,  and that is in particular thanks to their school training based on excellence.

Because the health crisis is also an opportunity

In normal times, rethinking the organisation and functioning of one's company is necessary but rarely prioritised in the short term. This is why the Co-Creation Lab sales cycle is relatively long, especially as the services offered push clients out of their comfort zone.

But during Covid, people finally realized that the situation was going to last and that they had to adapt to continue creating value. The health crisis, therefore, forced companies to find solutions to a complex situation, to innovate quickly to preserve productivity and even ensure their survival. Co-Creation Lab was able to take advantage of the situation, quickly signing new contracts  and leveraging its expertise to develop strategic partnerships. In 2019, the company recorded 100% growth!


According to Julien, Covid has allowed those who had never experienced a crisis to experience one. Beyond the terrible impact that the pandemic had on the world and individuals, it also offered us a unique opportunity to open our eyes and realise that our problems as developed countries are the problems of people who don't have any problems, if we only just take a  minimum interest in what is happening outside of our own  borders to countries like Brazil, India, Indonesia or Myanmar for example.





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