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15 October 2021

Together we have spoken…And it’s a first


Antoine, you have just been brilliantly elected as President of the TBS Alumni Association, tell us what you envision for your mandate:

The Association not only has an essential role in the quality of life of the 45,000 Alumni, both professionally and personally (enriching encounters, friendly mutual support, job offers, skills development, client prospecting, etc.), but also, it is too easily forgotten the role in the influence and structuring of the School (rankings, synergies and innovations in teaching, active contribution to strategy and events, funding, etc.). And when I talk about Alumni, I mean the current students just as much as active or former graduates. In fact, I think that the Association must continue to modernize, to be in line with the times and the new innovative strategy of the School focused on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and to provide a regular and constructive emulation at the same time to the Alumni as it does to the School.

This will involve the evolution of the Association's services to the Alumni, the School, the Foundation (proximity, availability, visibility, technicality, coherence, etc.) and the reciprocal encouragement of a greater human and financial contribution from each : The principle of give and take, therefore win-win. This will consolidate and increase the virtuous circle : School-Foundation-Association, to which the Alumni contribute and from which they benefit daily.

The Association, the School, the Foundation, is the same collective success and this is thanks to their 3 complementary and inseparable missions!  


Pierre, your arrival at the Presidency of the school has been received by all as good news for our Alma Mater :

I am delighted, and I wondered why the Board of Directors of TBS Education made this choice which just shows the confidence in the governance of the School. In fact , this will be the first time that the CCI of Toulouse Haute Garonne, which remains almost the sole shareholder with almost 100% of the capital, has left the presidency to someone other than the President of the CCI. In my opinion, this is a sign that the school's project is mature. This maturity is the result of many factors, notably the recent ambitious and original five-year strategic plan, the recent filing of the building permit for the future Toulouse campus, which presupposed that the financing plan had been completed beforehand, the building of a team at the head of the executive under the enlightened leadership of Stéphanie Lavigne, and the presence of Antoine on the school's Board of Directors.


As this plan was intended, the link with the Alumni is strengthened and I am well aware that the first alumni called to preside over TBS Education must be exemplary in the embodiment of this link.

Together we can look serenely at the future that is emerging, without underestimating the territorial and global challenges to be met (evolution of learning and employability, socio-ecological issues, etc.). We are going to work alongside the Foundation to ensure that the School offers its students the best weapons to build the successes and conquests they aspire to in the companies they create and join, and which will serve the common good.




Conseiller les organisations afin que les talents soient motivés et les énergies mobilisées.Accompagner les dirigeants pour adapter leurs entreprises aux enjeux actuels.

Auteur de l'Entreprise Reparatrice aux Editions Maxima .

Animateur de séminaires, Conferencier

President de Toulouse Business School Alumni
President de la Fondation Toulouse Business School
TBS promo 2007, j'évolue dans des métiers de gestion de projet et d'innovation, à travers le prisme de la RSE.
Souvent manager et dirigeant d'organisations, notamment de Football Ecologie France depuis 2019, je suis basé à Lyon et disponible plutôt le week-end. Je peux aider sur (presque) tout.

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